Sunday, 7 November 2010

My Rights, Your Responsibility

A little while ago, our branch received some information from Autism Suffolk about My Rights, Your Responsibility. (click the link to visit the website)

To quote from the website:

"My Rights, Your Responsibility is a set of information written primarily for parents of disabled children. It provides information to parents on their child's rights to access activities, community facilities and other services.

So often disabled children and young people are told they cannot join in for reasons relating to health and safety and their impairment. This information tries to address those issues and details what needs to be done to ensure that children and young people can safely join in and that the organisation providing the activity meets its responsibilities in terms of health and safety.

Health and safety should not be used as an excuse to prevent services becoming more inclusive but should be used to ensure that risks are minimised and that we move towards a situation where all children and young people are given the opportunities to join in activities that they would like to do."

The website gives links to web based information on:

  • behaviour management
  • epilepsy
  • invasive care
  • sensory impairments
  • personal care
  • moving and handling
  • communication
  • transport

as well as providing printed leaflets (which you can download or order) on:

  • The Disability Discrimination Act
  • What is risk?
  • What can parents expect from services?
  • What can services expect from parents?
  • Children's rights to communicate their views and be listened to

Our branch feels that this information could be very useful for families caring for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and we hope that you agree! Feel free to access this information for yourselves, or to pass it on to those who may find it useful!

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